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1. International freight replenishment

  • Shanghai Saifu Electronics Co., Ltd. procurement platform for integrated circuits(IC)Class of material imports are exempt from basic international shipping charges

  • Due to some models(Such as a fan、Cable、Module, etc.)More purchases、When the volume is heavy or the weight is heavy, etc.,Require customers to pay the excess shipping difference。When there is an overweight condition,Our customer service staff will get in touch with you.,Remind you to pay the shipping costs。

2. tariff、Commodity inspection、3Ccost

    According to national customs regulations:

  • integrated circuit(IC)类的进口免tariff

  • 非integrated circuit类的元器件(Such as relay、Bandpass filter、Attenuator、Various modules、Cable等)May require additional revenue3%-12%的tariff

  • switch、fuse、气体放电管等需要Commodity inspection和3C认证cost

   如果您所提交的订单中包含需要缴纳tariff或其他报关cost的型号,Our customer service staff will inform you as soon as possible and inform you about the replenishment.。

3. About the embargo model

  • Shanghai Saifu Electronics Co., Ltd. strictly abides by the relevant export restrictions of overseas suppliers,But where export restrictions are involved/Embargoed models are not allowed to place orders,The specific situation depends on the supplier's shipment。

  • Sometimes it may happen that it is temporarily notified that it is an export restriction before shipment./Embargo,Need to withdraw a refund。Any loss resulting from this,Shanghai Saifu Electronics Co., Ltd. will not be responsible。We apologize for the inconvenience.,beg to be excused。

4. Order review mechanism

由于货物可能存在的tariff、Embargo, etc.,上海赛芙埃电子有限公司设置Order review mechanism。After the user successfully submits the order,Need to confirm the order by Shanghai Saifu Electronics Co., Ltd. customer service staff,No problem later Make a payment。The specific status of the order review can be viewed in the member center.,Or contact customer service online for details。

5. Model data update delay problem

All data of Shanghai Saifu Electronics Co., Ltd. website are from the corresponding suppliers.,Basic guarantee for real-time updates。However, due to the fact that the supplier inventory data is open to the world or the supplier website itself is not updated in time, etc.,There may be some errors in the information such as the spot price and inventory you see when purchasing.。After placing an order successfully,If the order status is updated to“Confirmed order”,Please pay as soon as possible,To avoid price and inventory changes。If there is any problem, our customer service staff will contact you in the first time.。 
(remind:After submitting the order, please make sure that the order status is indeed updated to“Confirmed order”后再Make a payment,Avoid other issues due to unconfirmed payment after payment。)